“The action which causes an union with God is karma and to remain united with that karma incessantly is Karmayoga. Others are all inactions. God is not an Object Who has descended from the sky, this is a state. This is the still state of Prana. Still Prana in a living being deriving vibration has assumed the forms of intelligence, mind, senses etc. and remains enchanted by this. This is a living being’s deviated state from his original form or else this is the state of declension from still Prana to dynamic Prana.
Stillness is a living being’s original form. Dynamism represents a living being and stillness represents Siva.
Therefore the action which terminates that dynamism and reverts a living being again to stillness or the action that causes a living being’s state to be extinct and elevates him to the state of Siva, is known as Karmayoga.“
Stillness is a living being’s original form. Dynamism represents a living being and stillness represents Siva.
Therefore the action which terminates that dynamism and reverts a living being again to stillness or the action that causes a living being’s state to be extinct and elevates him to the state of Siva, is known as Karmayoga.“
– Yogiraj Sri Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahasaya
Lahiri Mahasaya – Swayang Brahma Himself re-established the eternal and most sacred knowledge of ‘Kriyayoga’.
‘Kriyayoga‘ is mentioned in Yoga Sutra of Maharshi Patanjali, 15000 years back :
“tapahsvadhyayeshvara pranidhananikriyayogah” [1st sloka of Sadhana Pada]
Due to Yuga decadence, this most sacred Yoga almost lost into oblivion. But, as Bhagavan promised in Bhagavat Gita that He will appear at the junctures of two yugas, He again descended in the human form as Bhagavan Sri Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahasaya at the Kali yuga -Satya yuga juncture. And again He revived Sanatana dharma, which is purely based on Yoga in its truest form.

Please refer to the two books : ‘Purana Purusha‘ and ‘Who Is This Shama Churn‘ authored by Yogacharya Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee, World Kriyayoga Master; to know the most subtle, intricate details of true ‘Yoga’ of Bharata – 2 books based directly on the invaluable Yogic treasures - 26 confidential diaries scripted by Bhagavan Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahasaya Himself.
Official mailing address of Yogiraj Shyamacharan Sanatan Mission (YSSM) : contact@yssm.in
Website : http://kriyayogashyamacharan.org
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